Micro-greenhouse with thermo-hydraulic window opener
I have been growing cactuses for many many years, but never had a regular big greenhouse. What is pity because living in quite high latitude (48 grades) the effective and usable growth period for cacti is quite short. No more than 4 months in outdoor conditions. Peoples who have greenhouses, ideally with heating, can extend this time by two good months at least.
So I opted for this compromise:
Greenhouse of this size can easily cook your plants if closed in direct sunlight for 10 hours and I am not there to "babysit" it so some king of automatic opening is a must. And not too expensive of course.
So here come thermal based automatic window openers.
To make the long story short: there are two types of openers - as available on Amazon.
Wrong one
First I got this one - and it cannot be fitted in small greenhouse anyhow, so I was left without automatic opener. But not giving up I found another one browsing internet and mainly Amazon webpages.
Right one (almost fitting)
Here it is in work:
It fits only almost so some 'duck-tape' adjustments were needed, you can easily see yourselves on the above picture.
Adjusting target temperature
What I noticed was that the opener is too eager to open the window and keeps the temperature too low, so I had to drill extra hole in the axis of the shaft. It is less eager to open window now, so it is OK.
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So far after about one month cacti looks nice and growing and going to flower. I am going to find out if summer temperatures that can reach here about 35-37 centigrade will not be too high even if with the opener.
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